Monday, October 5, 2015

Subversive Lives: A Family Memoir of the Marcos Years

Subversive Lives
by Susan F. Quimpo
Nathan Gilbert Quimpo

A first person account of members of the Quimpo family, the various narratives paints a nuanced picture of the Marcos years. One sibling disappeared. Another was betrayed by a comrade. Others were detained and tortured. One joined the religious community of Opus Dei. Another was a government employee. Some became high ranking members of the communist insurgency before becoming disillusioned. 

A must-read for Filipinos, enlightening and informative.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

David Copperfield

David Copperfield
by Charles Dickens

It was a very loooooong read and reminds me of the Filipino saying "pagkahaba haba man ng prusisyon, sa simbahan din ang tuloy," (literally: "however long the procession, the church is the destination"), which means that whatever twists and turns a relationship may take, if it's meant to be, it will be.

In fact, the journey was so long, I could not recall who was Mr. Littimer by the end of the book. And it was very tempting to skip over the letters of Mr. Micawber. The style was so opposed to what I learned in college about concise business writing, it was a bit wearying.

But I am happy to know the original David Copperfield (and not the magician of my childhood). And the long journey to Chapter 62 was essential to its sweetness. At least, having made the journey, I can simply go back to that chapter to relive the happy ending.

The fidelity and steadfastness of Agnes Wickfield was refreshing. It reminds me of the book I kissed dating goodbye by Joshua Harris. The old-fashioned values shining through in the various characters is actually a breath of fresh air. It brings into question what we may have lost in our modern culture. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Voices in the Theater

Voices in the Theater
by A. S. Santos

This is book one of a trilogy that is turning me green with writer's envy. Santos writes a story I wish I had thought of, a thriller of a book that is engaging and enlightening at the same time. Paranormal elements, theological nuggets, and challenging life lessons are weaved into a narrative that makes me wonder if the author experienced any of the described experiences for real. Looking forward to more adventures of the Student Paranormal Research Group. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities
by Charles Dickens

Only now have I read this classic, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. It starts rather slowly and there are many archaic words, but I am appreciating Kindle because of its dictionary feature that allows me to look up a word mid-sentence with utmost convenience. I suppose out of all the words I've looked up the one that remains with me is "tumbril," i.e., the wagons used to carry the soon-to-be-dead to the guillotine during the French revolution. The word by itself already evokes a picture of what that time was like.

Scant images of the French revolution had been impressed on me by Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, a childhood favorite. In contrast to Hugo's revolution which serves merely as a background against which Jean Valjean saves Marius, Dickens paints a far more violent picture. Dickens' Lucie reminds me of Hugo's Cosette, around whom the universe conspires to preserve happiness and love. But in the Dickens universe, there is a formidable Madam Defarge set to get her justice-vengeance regardless of who pays the price, a Madam Defarge who epitomizes the rage of the revolution and its thirst for blood (contra Javert who epitomizes the law but turns his resolute will against himself when he cannot reconcile the paradox of an escaped convict who does more good than many "respectable" men).

A reader would benefit from finishing both A Tale of Two Cities and Les Miserables, separately of course and in one's own good time. The different perspectives complement each other, united as they are by a similar good in the end: happiness in love and family.

* * * * *

Having slogged through the introductory chapters, I am glad to have made the acquaintance of a Sydney Carton who made the initial slogging all worth it. Romantic characters who sacrifice for true love, albeit fictional, still move me. And while the sacrifice did not come as much of a surprise, the Jackal still reminds me of one of my favorite literary characters, Severus Snape (sorry, I read the Potter series first even if, who knows, perhaps Rowling was inspired by the Jackal while she wrote Snape). 

As is commonly the case, I think the movie  (1980) falls short of one's imagination. There is a challenge in portraying Carton and Darnay, easily differentiated in print but not on screen. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus

Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus
by Jodi Magness

This is a well-written book based on good research in archaeology and literary sources. First-century Palestine comes alive in the little details from fish sauce (patis) to tombs. Pottery shards are puzzle pieces that tell a story of the Judean elite vis-a-vis the average Galilean villager, the socio-political environment, and purity practices. Not only is it a useful resource for writing a scholarly paper, this book is also a very interesting read for the layperson.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Big Sister, Little Sister

Big Sister, Little Sister
by Leuyen Pham

The illustrations are charming, the simple words so full of love. A must-read for sisters everywhere.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Weave of Words

A Weave of Words
An Armenian tale retold by Robert D. San Souci
illustrated by Raul Colon

Anait is a refreshing female character who is not taken in by Prince Vachagan's position and power. She prefers a life partner who knows how to read and write and has a trade. Likewise, Prince Vachagan is impressed not only by her beauty but by Anait's good sense, quick wit and easy laugh.

Each character grows to become a better version of themselves because of their union. And in troubled times, it is what they have learned from each other that helps save the day.

This is a children's book full of wisdom about finding your one true love, with beautiful illustrations to boot. Highly recommended for adults.